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Horse Breathing Supplements

Horse breathing problems can be managed by the administration of horse breathing supplements such as Edge Performance Paste, a breakthrough product brought to market by Kinetic Technologies. Edge Performance Paste, which comes packaged in a pre-loaded syringe for easy administration, has been clinically proven to benefit horses in many ways, including:

  • Improving stamina
  • Combating respiratory allergies
  • Preventing premature muscle fatigue

This nutritional product is an ideal source of energy to be used before or after strenuous activities such as athletic events. As an equine expectorant, Edge clears out the respiratory tract and allows for greater utilization of available oxygen. This is a horse breathing aid that's effective, easy to use and provides quick results. Your need for horse respiratory supplements and an expectorant for horses should be satisfied with this single product. This is a superior electrolyte formula that will increase speed and performance and improve your horse's appearance.

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Neogen EqStim, 5 ml
Neogen EqStim, 5ml
Our Price: $80.15

Neogen Vet EqStim Injection is a USDA approved immunostimulant as an adjunct to conventional therapy in the treatment of Equine Respiratory Disease Complex (ERDC). more info